What I wrote at Lib Dem Voice

April 19, 2006

Another Cameron flip-flop

You may remember that, a few months ago, the Lib Dems were in the doldrums and Mr Cameron was in the ascendant.

At that time, Dave thought it would be an awfully good wheeze to generate some easy publicity by urging Liberal Democrat voters, councillors and MPs to “come and join the new Conservative Party”. After all, he said, we basically pretty much agree sorta thing:
Issues that once divided Conservatives from Liberal Democrats are now issues where we both agree. Our attitude to devolution and the localisation of power. Iraq. The environment. I’m a liberal Conservative.
Mr Cameron’s attempt to pretend the Tories and Lib Dems were singing from the same hymn sheet on Iraq resulted in his embarrassing ‘flip-flop’ gaffe at Prime Minister’s Questions back in February.

Which is, perhaps, why now the LibDems4Cameron website has been amended somewhat… See if you can spot the seamless touch of nip ‘n’ tuck editing:
Issues that once divided Conservatives from Liberal Democrats are now issues where we both agree. Though we were on different sides of the argument over Iraq, we all want to see democracy established, security guaranteed and our troops home.
Better never than late, Dave.

1 comment:

Gavin Whenman said...

I don't think the Labour Party would disagree with that sentiment either though!