(Though - for my taste - publicly saying he will be "cross" if he doesn't win was an unnecessarily gauche way of asking us for a second chance.)
Anyway, the gauntlet has been thrown down. The question now is whether anyone will pick it up.
To the best of my knowledge, no forms soliciting signatures for any other potential presidential candidate have been circulating. And time is running out for anyone interested.
The issue for many of us, I guess, is this - is it worth the hassle (and expense) of a contested election, especially if it's seen as putting the boot into a fundamentally decent man who has endured a torrid year personally, and a disappointing year politically?
My view (for what it's worth)? Better for Simon to regain some confidence by winning re-election properly, than to hang on by default.
(The current result of the poll on my main website - asking who you think would make the best Lib Dem president - is shown above. Simon is currently in 4th place. But there's no doubt that the faves of those who've voted are Lynne and Paddy.)
I personally would like to see a return to high office of Roger de Courcey, with or without Nookie bear. I'm not sure if he's a liberal but he is available so maybe you could approach him ? Could be a winner in crucial swing seats.
Unfortunately I could easily see Simon getting back on the grounds that he has had a bad year- lets be nice.
The trouble is that he has been rubbish.
Please could any of your list stand, get in to the job and get Cowley Street to pull its socks up!!
"My view (for what it's worth)? Better for Simon to regain some confidence by winning re-election properly"
Oh no, don't give him the confidence of winning elections back. So he can lose some more votes at the next GE.
Ok, it won't probably happen, because Labour won't be in great shape, but hope is the last thing to die....I would almost be ready to vote Ann Widdecombe over him.
A fresh face would be better and a female fresh face better still. So let us draft Lynne.
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