What I wrote at Lib Dem Voice

October 31, 2006

Blair's homage to The West Wing

(Not a spoiler, but if you want to avoid anything to do with season seven, don't read on.)

Let's play spot the difference:
"Leo and I are the past. You’re the future. It’s up to you now. We’re counting on you."

(President Bartlet in The West Wing, broadcast 16th April, 2006.)

"So: it's up to you. You take my advice. You don't take it. Your choice. … You're the future now. Make the most of it."

(Tony Blair's speech to the Labour Party conference, 27th September, 2006.)


Jock Coats said...

Tony Blair is not fit to tie the shoelaces of Josiah Bartlett or his successor. All one can hope is that on retirement Blair decides also to disappear off to university on the west coats of beyond and not be heard from again.

Neil said...

From my blog dated 26/09/06

What Tony Bliar really meant...

Just watched the last bit of Tony Blair's speech, the last he will be giving as Leader at the Labour Party Conference. I thought he ended it oddly. He said, 'You are future, make the most of it.' But what did he mean?

Make the most of it, you are not going anywhere with me and you most defiantly wont go anywhere without me.