What I wrote at Lib Dem Voice

October 04, 2006

Not so much

I watched Mr Cameron's speech today, fully intending to analyse it calmly, rationally and maturely. But I just can't bring myself to.

Truth is: I loathed it.

Every single fatuous, banale, jejune, trite, tedious, reductive moment of it. Never before have I heard nothing of substance said in quite such a risibly flimsy, flabby, saccharine way. It was neither funny nor serious. Just a damp, limp, saggy, wretched, pleading, empty paean to vacuous mediocrity.

I hate what Mr Cameron is doing to politics - sucking out its soul, replacing policies with lullabies, spewing platitudinous pieties.

I hate that the media is letting him get away with it - glossing over the froth, condoning the cojones, excusing the execrable.

And most of all I hate that he has induced from me this negative diatribe - the kind of thing I swore I'd never write - with no pretence at balance, which advances no argument, and lowers the bar of political discourse still further.


PS: Anne Perkins has said much of this, only like a proper grown-up, over at the Grauniad's Comment Is Free.


Matt Sellwood said...

Stephen - something we can agree wholeheartedly on. I thought it was an absolutely risible speech.

On the other hand - did you see Hague's speech? Much though I dislike him and his politics...it was astoundingly good. Word perfect, humorous, rhetorically brilliant....

He must watch Cameron and weep.


Will said...

I enjoyed the bit on Nick Robinson's BBC News coverage where Cameron proclaimed his pride in having supported civil partnership legislation, which was followed by reaction shots of audience members not clapping and looking dismayed...

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt - missed Hague's. But had a similar reaction as you to Blair's - which was one of the most impressive party conference speeches I've seen.

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